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Terms & conditions

Terms of use, cookie policy and copyright

Welcome to The Henry Moore Foundation. The Foundation and its trading arm HMF (Enterprises) Ltd (collectively ‘The Foundation’) provide access to the Foundation website (the “website”) and sell our products to you subject to the conditions set out on this page.

A black and white photo portrait of the artist Henry Moore, taken in 1986 it shows Moore as a very elderly man. He is seated with a warm blanket over his lap, while working on a sketch in his sketchbook.

Conditions Relating to Your Use of the website

Please read these conditions carefully before using the website. By using the website, you signify your agreement to be bound by these conditions. In addition, when you use any current or future Foundation service, you will also be subject to the guidelines and conditions applicable to that service.

1. Access to the website

We will do our utmost to ensure that availability of the website will be uninterrupted and that transmissions will be error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Also, your access to the website may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction.

2. Licence for website access

The Foundation grants you a limited licence to access and make personal use of this website, but not to download (other than page caching) or modify it, or any portion of it, except with express written consent of the Foundation. This licence does not include any resale or commercial use of this website or its contents; any collection and use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any derivative use of this website or its contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant; or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.

This website or any portion of this website may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without our express written consent.

You may not frame or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of the Foundation without express written consent. You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilising the Foundation’s names or trademarks without the express written consent of the Foundation. Any unauthorised use terminates the permission or license granted by The Foundation.

You are granted a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to create a hyperlink to the Welcome page of the Foundation as long as the link does not portray the Foundation, or its products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive manner. You may not use any element of the Foundation’s logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of the link without our express written consent.

3. Your conduct

You must not use the website in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, the website or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way.

You understand that you, and not the Foundation, are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent from your computer to us and you must use the website for lawful purposes only.

You must not use the website for any of the following:

  • For fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offence or other unlawful activity
  • To send, use or reuse any material that is illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing; or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidence, privacy or any other right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or objectionable; or which consists of or contains software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any “spam”
  • To cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety

4. Communications and other content

Users of this website may send communications as long as the content is not illegal, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties, or objectionable and does not consist of or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of “spam.” You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any content

If you do submit material, and unless we indicate otherwise, you grant The Foundation and its affiliates a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media. You grant The Foundation and its affiliates and sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such content, if they choose. You agree to waive your right to be identified as the author of such content and your right to object to derogatory treatment of such content. You agree to perform all further acts necessary to perfect any of the above rights granted by you to The Foundation, including the execution of deeds and documents, at the request of The Foundation.

You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content that you post; that, as at the date that the content or material is submitted to The Foundation: (i) the content and material is accurate; (ii) use of the content and material you supply does not breach any applicable The Foundation policies or guidelines and will not cause injury to any person or entity (including that the content or material is not defamatory). You agree to indemnify The Foundation and its affiliates for all claims brought by a third party against The Foundation or its affiliates arising out of or in connection with a breach of any of these warranties.

7. Trademarks

The Foundation logo and other marks indicated on our website are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Foundation, in the European Union and/or other jurisdictions. The Foundation’s graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names are the trademarks or trade dress of the Foundation. The Foundation’s trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not The Foundation’s, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits the Foundation. All other trademarks not owned by the Foundation that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by The Foundation.

8. Cookies and Google Analytics

We use cookies on the site for our online shop, social media sharing and also Google Analytics, which allows us to understand how visitors engage with the Site. Google Analytics will not transfer the information it collects to any third party except where required to do so by law. Please note that we will not use Google Analytics to collect any information from which you can be personally identified, and we will not associate the information provided to us by Google Analytics with Your Information. Google Analytics’ cookies will remain on your computer for between thirty minutes and two years from being set / updated, unless you delete them before they expire.

You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. Unless you do this, cookies will be issued when you use our Site, but you can delete them via your browser at any time. If you do not accept cookies, or decide to delete them, you will still be able to access and use the Site but you won’t be able to save any items. You can also install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On to prevent Google Analytics cookies being set.

Henry Moore Foundation Privacy Policy

This page sets out the details of the Henry Moore Foundation’s privacy notice in relation to information collected about you.


Who we are

Henry Moore Foundation
Dane Tree House
Perry Green
Much Hadham
SG10 6EE

“The Henry Moore Foundation” is a charity registered in England and Wales. Our registration number is 271370.

We are registered as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998, and our Data Protection Register number is: Z8961755

Any electronic communications will be made in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR).


What information we collect about you

We collect the personal data that you may volunteer as part of ticket bookings, online purchases, forms, e-newsletter sign-ups and visitor surveys.

Personal information we collect may include:

  • Your name, title, gender and date of birth
  • Postal address, email address and phone number
  • Family and spouse/partner details, relationships to other donors and/or Members
  • Current interests and activities

We will also collect and hold information about any contact you have with us as a visitor, customer or supporter of the Henry Moore Foundation, and may consist of details of:

  • Ticket purchase and event registration / attendance
  • Online retail purchases
  • Contact preferences
  • Gift information, including Direct Debit bank details where applicable
  • Gift Aid status
  • Details of correspondence sent to you, or received from you
  • Donor status and wealth assessment information
  • Employment information and professional activities
  • Where relevant, selected media coverage
  • Any other information provided by yourself at the request of the Henry Moore Foundation

When we ask you to provide your personal information we will let you know why we are asking, and how we will use your data, by directing you towards this notice.


What we do with your information

Depending on your relationship with the Henry Moore Foundation, and the preferences you have indicated, data we hold may be used by us for the following purposes:

To send you promotional, marketing or fundraising information by post, telephone or electronic means. These types of communications can include:

  • Informing you of other products, services or events related to the Henry Moore Foundation, such as exhibitions, events, or retail offers
  • News and updates about the Henry Moore Foundation, such as via leaflet mail outs and marketing or supporter e-newsletters
  • Information on our fundraising operations, including occasional targeted requests to consider giving financial support to the Henry Moore Foundation, or to ask you to consider supporting us in other ways
  • Other relevant communications based upon your relationship with the Henry Moore Foundation

Data screening and cleansing, to check if we have accurate contact details for you – please see the below section How we update, screen and analyse your information for further information.

Wealth screening and research, to help us understand our Friends, donors and potential donors, including gathering information from publicly available resources to give an insight into your philanthropic interests and ability to support the Henry Moore Foundation. See below the section How we update, screen and analyse your information for further information.

To send you surveys, and for market research purposes.

Tools may be used to monitor the effectiveness of our communications with you, including email tracking, which records when an e-newsletter from us is opened and/or how many links are clicked within the message. The data from this tracking is generally used in an aggregated and anonymised form.

You can opt out of any / all of our communications at any point simply by contacting:

There are some Friends and donation communications that we are required to send regardless of your contact preferences. These are essential communications, deemed necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations to you. This would include Direct Debit confirmations and advanced notices, thank you letters, Friends benefits such as exhibition materials and membership cards, renewal reminders, Gift Aid confirmation letters and querying returned mail or bounced Direct Debit payments with you.


How we update, screen and analyse your information

We continuously review records of supporters to ensure your data is as accurate as possible. We may consult alternative sources in order undertake these checks, such as:

  • Royal Mail National Change of Address database (NCOA)
  • BT Operator Services Information System (OSIS)
  • Reviewing employment information that you have made publicly available via social media
  • Newspaper articles, publications and company websites
  • Companies House and other company information databases
  • Charity Commission
  • Any other publicly available sources

Where we appoint an external party to undertake a screening of information, any such arrangements will be subject to a formal agreement between the Henry Moore Foundation and that organisation, to protect the security of your data.

We may segment the information we hold about you in our database based on a proprietary score. These scores are calculated using personal data, as well as how engaged with us you have previously been, and indicators of future engagement. Analysis of this helps us understand our friends, donors and potential donors to ensure we are efficient and that only relevant communications are sent to you.

You can opt-out of your data being utilised for wealth screening, data cleaning or analysis (with the aims of targeting communications with you appropriately, or finding up to date contact information in the case of gone away mail) simply by contacting


Who we might share your information with

We do not disclose personal data to any third parties or external organisations, other than data processors carrying out work on our behalf.

Examples of such data processors would be mailing houses for the sending of postal mailings, bulk email distribution services, telephone fundraising agencies working on our behalf, or wealth screening and data cleaning organisations.

Any such companies are acting as approved data processors for the Henry Moore Foundation, and we retain full responsibility for your personal data. Data processors will act only on our instructions.

We may occasionally need to transfer your personal information overseas, for instance to our bulk email distributor, MailChimp. Where this is necessary, this may be to countries or territories around the world.

We are required to ensure any transfers of data will be done securely, in accordance with best practice, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation Act 2018.

Your data will never be sold or passed to any third party for any other purpose.


How we keep your information secure

We have implemented security procedures, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

  • Unauthorised access
  • Improper use or disclosure
  • Unauthorised modification

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are legally obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ and supporters’ personal data.


How to access your information and correct information

You can ask us if we are keeping any personal data about you and you can also request to receive a copy of that personal data – this is called a Subject Access Request.

To make a Subject Access Request you will need to provide adequate proof of identity such as a copy of your passport, birth certificate or driving licence before your request can be processed. There may also be a fee of up to £10 depending on the volume of work required.

Please try to be as clear as possible about the information you are seeking.

Once we have received your Subject Access Request, the agreed fee and proof of identity, you will receive a response from us within 40 days and you will be able to get copies of any information we hold on you. However, exemptions to disclosure may apply in some circumstances.


Subject Access Requests (HR and internal) should be sent to:

Lesley Wake
Chief Operating Officer
Henry Moore Foundation
Dane Tree House
Perry Green
SG10 6EE
T:  +44 (0)1279 843 333


Subject Access Requests (Marketing and external) should be sent to:

Emily Dodgson
Head of Marketing and Communications
Chief Operating Officer
Henry Moore Foundation
Dane Tree House
Perry Green
SG10 6EE

At any time you may request that we delete or correct your personal information. If you wish to correct any information on you held by the Henry Moore Foundation, or have any comments on our privacy notice, simply contact the relevant person above.


Changes to our privacy notice

We regularly review our privacy notice, and may make changes time to time. Any changes made will be posted to this page, and will apply from the time we post them. This privacy notice was last changed on 24 May 2018.

Social Media Policy

 We use our social media to create engaging social media content, promote our activities and inspire our audience to get involved with our events and activities whilst being accessible and approachable.

Opinions expressed by our followers are their own and do not reflect the views of the Henry Moore Foundation, its trustees, employees volunteers, or associates. We kindly ask our social media community to respect the guidelines detailed in this policy.



The Henry Moore Foundation’s  social media accounts are regularly monitored Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays) between 9am 5pm. Although we will attempt to monitor and moderate our social media pages within this period, we cannot guarantee we will be able to respond to any posts, messages or comments immediately.

We aim to respond to any enquiries within as quickly as possible, if you do not receive a response within three working days, and cannot find this information elsewhere on our website, please send us an email at



We ask our followers to safeguard their personal information. Please do not include any personal identifying details, such as your email address, phone number or date of birth in comments or posts.



We welcome conversation and debate on our social media pages. However, we expect social media users to be tolerant and respectful of all people. We will remove any posts which contain abusive, offensive, defamatory, discriminatory or unlawful text, images or videos from our social media. We retain the right to hide or remove such offensive comments and block accounts that post them.



We welcome discussion, but please do not post spam or repeat your message on multiple unconnected posts.



We will remove any links, messages, images or text on our social media used to advertise individuals or businesses unless they have been agreed in advance. Users repeatedly posting such content may be blocked.


Accuracy of information

We will attempt to ensure that any information we post on our social media is correct at the time of publishing. Although we may post links to other organisations, we are not responsible for the accuracy of other organisations or businesses. Retweeting does not count as an endorsement.


Intellectual Property

Please do not post any copyrighted material on our social media pages without permission to do so from the copyright holder. This includes branded text, graphics, images or video.


Where to follow us

We are active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.

You can find links to all our social media platforms in the footer of our website.